Saturday, May 29, 2010

14 hour days are FUN! :S

Yeah so overtime always sounds like such a good idea when you first request it. Then you see your schedule and go eargh. Then you work it and pretty much die. That was my experience yesterday, minus the dying part. Im still alive. Just so you know. I worked from 8.45 am to 11.30pm. It actually wasnt too bad, I wanted to kill people less than I did at the end of my 8 hour day a few days ago. Me and Nick had the same shift. We supported each other through our hardships and I fed him chocolate. Anyways enough about my ridiculous shift yesterday. Other than work I havent been doing a lot. Ive spent a fair bit of time at the Christian and Johns apartment recently, kinda nice to get out of Vista. Um. I really cant think of anything of interest to write in here. I walked into a door yesterday, it hit me right in the middle of the forehead and REALLY hurt. Um. Im going to Chicago next week with Rebecca. Um. Yeah its raining which is making my fingers lethargic so byebye

Friday, May 21, 2010


Well the last time I tried updating this the internet cut out and wouldnt save my awesomely massive post. Thats why there hasnt been anything on here for a wee while. And, just because Im paranoid, this post is going to be very short and to the point.

Not a lot as been happening around here recently. It was Johns birthday the other day so we went to laser tag last night. Insanely intense laser tag. With HUGE big military style guns. Dont ask me what kind they were but im pretty sure they were modelled off real ones. The first round I had a really big one, maybe a sniper rifle or something? But it was really big and heavy and I couldnt figure out how to look through the scope and pull the trigger at the same time so I used a little machine gun kinda thing for the other rounds which worked out a bit better. I didnt survive a lot longer but at least I wasnt hurting myself!! Everyone else there was really hard out into it it was funny... we just failed :). It was fun though! Today I went to Bonnies and helped her make sushi. That was pretty exciting. Then she made korean pancakes which were pancakes with cinnamon syrupy stuff in the middle. So good! :) And now Im off to get ready for work. Lameness, most of the cool people have gone which is lame. I cant wait for the new CPs to come, new people! But yeah I should offskis and get ready for work! Hope you guys are having good times- but not toooo good times or Ill get jealous.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Ok so the last week or so has been fantabulous. On... Thursday? Yeah. Thursday. We all went out to TGI Fridays after work to say good bye to the CPs who are leaving this week. So so sad, both of my favourites are leaving. Funny thing was, most of the people who are leaving didnt come. Thats ok though, the rest of us had fun. Everyones cars were full on the way there so me Rebecca and Bonnie walked from Vista. It was pretty funny times, none of the flashy man walk now thingymajigs were working so we kinda just... ran. Wasn't the best. But yeah that was a good night. Ate waaaaaaaaaaay too much. Got an entree of fried mozzarella. Yes. Deep fried cheese. Awesome ay? So I got home from that at about 1 am. I then got up at 6am to pack for Daytona. The taxi came and got us at 6.45am and drove us to the greyhound station which happened to be in this really really dodgy area of down town Orlando. We were pretty scared lol. Sat there for about an hour waiting for the bus and generally trying not to fall asleep. Once we arrived at Daytona we did all the usual finding our hotel, getting settled in kinda stuff, blobbed on the beach for a while then we decided we wanted lunch. We went to this really really cute 50s diner. Just like in the movies!! From there we taxied to a chocolate factory which did a tour and let us sample the chocolate which was EPIC as... sooo good. The next day we went to Ponce Outlet to go parasailing. I wasnt planning on going- was running a bit low on money- but the others all wanted to so I tagged along and went on the boat. Thing was, the guy was talking to me and asked why I wasnt going so I told him. He ended up letting me go for free! I was like MEAN. It was sooo much fun, we went at 1000 feet- around 300m. Could see heaps, blue sky, blue water, white sand... gorgeousness. They dipped us in the water a few times as well which was awesome seeing as I was fully clothed... haha. Dont think the others were hugely impressed that I got to go for free but oh well. Um what else did we do that day? Oh. Stacey wanted a tattoo and Jackie wanted her nose pierced so they went and did that. The others all hung around and watched but I wasnt really too keen on staying there- was kinda dingy and it was soooo nice outside- so I walked home along the beach. It took about an hour and a quarter which would have been fine except that I wasnt wearing sun screen. I now have some really epic tan/burn lines. Third day we tried to go to IHOP for breakfast but failed so we tried the diner and failed so we ended up going to a burger place. Now, I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich. The lady misheard me and thought I said grilled cheese. I said that was fine and Id eat whatever. She puts a burger down, it gets passed down to me so I figure hey, this must be for me. I took a bite. Then I get told its not mine, it was Sarahs. So I passed it to Sarah and said "Sorry, I took a bite". That would be reasonably ok back home right? You wouldnt do it to a random but anyone you know, whatever, its only a bite. But apparently the rest of the world, not so much...... They gave me crap the rest of the day. Hung out on the beach for a few hours. I went swimming and wave jumping and stuff but the others were boring and stayed on the beach. Turns out I was swimming in a rip. oops. After that we taxied- again- to the Nascar Speedway. That was pretty cool, saw the race track and stuff. From there we walked to the mall. Which was shut. We still had about 4 hours until we had to be at the bus station- and really really didnt want to get there early because that bus station was just so DODGE!! So we stole a couple of trolleys and put all our stuff in them- I should probably mention we had to check out of the hotel at 11 am so we had been dragging all our stuff around all day- and wandered around various shops. Eventually we got sick of that so we pushed our trusty trolleys to Olive Garden where we spent a ridiculously long time deciding what we wanted to eat and doing everything else as slowly as possible. It was really good food. After about 2 hours we kinda sensed the poor waiter wanted us to leave so he could get new people and more tips so, very reluctantly, we gathered all our stuff that was piled around the table and loaded up the trolleys again. We still had a couple of hours so we went to Dennys- we spent a LOT of time in restaurants- parked our trolleys under a street light so we could keep an eye on them and ordered icecream sundaes. Eventually we decided to brave the bus station. So so so dodge! No other word describes it quite right. Im pretty sure everyone else on that bus was transporting drugs and/or homeless. We all had to split up too because the bus was almost full and there were only scattered empty seats. Finally we got home and, very thankful for Vista security, went home and to bed. The end.

That was a pretty long post huh? Well its not the end. I still have to tell you all about today! Haha. So today Rebecca me and one of her friends went horse riding at Fort Wilderness! Random much lol. It was pretty cool except I wanted a pretty horse and got an ugly one :). But at least it was well behaved and my helmet went unused!! After that we wanted to go swimming so we caught a guest bus to Blizzard Beach. My first time at Blizzard! I love the concept, its all set up like a ski village. So yeah just hung out in the pool and went down a couple of slides and stuff. We were only there for an hour ish though. Didnt see any snakes in the lazy river which was a good start! Um yuppyyup I think thats around about it now. You can all go back to your lame as lives and leave me to my fantastically exciting one! :)
Email me people!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Musings of a baked potato


So... it is FLIPPING HOT outside! As in, its 6.30 pm and I would say its about 32 degrees out there still. It was 85 Fahrenheit last night when I got home at 10pm, I just translated it and thats about 29 degrees. And its only spring!! This is going to be really really nasty come summer. Today I caught the bus across the park instead of walking because I was stupid and forgot to bring a change of clothes and I didnt want to walk in my costume- polyester pants suits arent exactly heat regulating- and the bus didnt have air con. Ugh. Anyways thats my ranting about the heat. At least they have sprinklers going, I went and jumped around under one about 5 minutes ago. It was super fun. Ok so whats been happening over here? As per usual a lot of work, a minimal amount of sleep, a lot of eating. Church was yesterday which was good, afterwards I went out for lunch with Alex Christian and Sarah to Sweet Tomatoes. Its a salad buffet place and was so so so so so so good. They had all this really nice bread and stuff too, and baked potatoes and soup. I didnt have any soup. I was WAY too full of bread and epically awesome salad. There was dessert as well so kinda ate a bit much of that as well. The end result was that I got to work and could barely walk so I had to make people swap jobs with me everytime rotation came around so I could do the position that required the least movement lol. I was still full this morning at breakfast time! Um in other news, we are going to Daytona Beach on Friday for the weekend! It will hopefully be splendiferous. I have Wednesday off so me and Alex are planning to go to IHOP and to one of the water parks for the day then to the formal at night. Yeah, theres a Disney formal. I hadnt even thought about it until Alex asked if I was going. So I have no idea at all what Im going to wear and the only shoes I have over here are lime green jandals, some rainbow canvas sneakers and my work shoes. So uh... yeah this will be interesting! Thursday night we are all going to TGI Fridays to say goodbye to the CPs leaving work... so many people are leaving in the next two weeks. Its so sad, all my favourite people to work with are leaving. In other pointless stream of consciousness ramblings, I made sweet and sour chicken for tea and it was epically amazing. :) Yeah. I think thats about it.